5th Edition,  D&D,  Obsidian Vault Reclamations,  RPG

Obsidian Vault Reclamations: The Opening Pages

What’s this? An article by someone other than Tionas? What madness is this?

It’s actually pretty simple. I’m Andon, Tionas’ brother. And I am going to be doing a weekly article on his D&D campaign that’s set to start on Tuesday. For some background information, I highly recommend going through the Mythology Monday bits. They set up a lot of the mythology around the world and are quite a good read.

Since the campaign hasn’t started yet I can’t introduce you to the characters that don’t exist yet – But I can give you some of the information that we’ve been given on the campaign.

The campaign is set in Killbar, or rather, what’s left of Killbar. About 50 years before the campaign’s start, Killbar was a great nation, a Mageocracy run by Killbar City’s Wizards School. However, the mages of Killbar contracted the Mind Plague, which drove them all slowly and irrevocably insane. In comes the General, heading a military dictatorship which hunted down and slaughtered as many mages as it could get its hands on.

His homeland secure, he set his eyes on expansion – He went east, into Tyndarian lands. He went south, conquering Jeslith, the home of the Halflings. His treatment of them was no better than the treatment of the mages. Then he went north, hungering for the Elvish lands, but was stopped by Moduru’s Second War, in which he was slain.

After his death, Killbar City was besieged, conquered, and then razed and salted for good measure. Where once had stood a thousand years of history now only ashes and death remained. Moduru held control over Killbar for a few years but they were also defeated – Not by a single conqueror, though. No lone person came to unite the Killbarans, and two decades after the sacking of Killbar City, the rest of the once-great nation is under the sway of city-states and warlords. Some rule through trade and money. Some rule through strength of arms, and others through deception and cleverness.

These city-states are willing to cooperate enough to ensure no single entity gains too much power, but as soon as the threat is gone, so is the cooperation. This allows for bandits and cutthroats to thrive in the lands between cities, just waiting for those brave enough to travel between them so they could liberate their hard-earned belongings.

Our characters have assembled in the port town of Parminium, where the Obsidian Vault Reclamation has its base. They specialize in reclaiming goods and items from the former Killbar territories, and our characters will be under their employ. This could take us in many directions, and I am excited to see what Tionas has in store for us.

I’ll be back next week, with information on the characters, and perhaps some more information on what our goals in the campaign will be.